Outsmart NYC’s Nightlife Community Survey

 Nightlife workers–we want to hear from you! Please fill out our survey below. Respondents can enter into a drawing to win one of two $100 Amazon gift cards!

¡Queremos escuchar de los trabajadores de la vida nocturna!

Por favor completa nuestra encuesta a continuación. ¡Los participantes pueden entrar en un sorteo para ganar una de las dos tarjetas de regalo de Amazon de $100!

Advertencia de contenido: Esta encuesta pregunta sobre violencia sexual.

What is this survey?

This survey is being used to collect information about the prevalence of sexual violence in nightlife spaces–and specifically, the harm that nightlife workers are seeing or experiencing. It was created by OutSmartNYC (a collective of nightlife workers and violence preventionists) to collect data that will inform our curriculum and programming, and also to share with NYC community members and leaders. Results from this survey will be made public on the OutSmartNYC website. 

Who should take it?

  • Anyone who currently works in NYC nightlife (servers, security, entertainers, managers, back of house, hosts… nightlife work in ANY capacity!) 

  • Anyone who has worked in NYC nightlife in the past year (April 2023 and onwards). 

Why should I take it?

There is little to no formal data out there that tracks what nightlife workers are seeing and experiencing on a nightly basis. We hope to build the case for expanding nightlife violence prevention programming and to advocate for more support for nightlife workers (and specifically, community-based support that does not engage law enforcement). Additionally, OutSmart conducts trainings for nightlife venues and this information will help to inform that curriculum!

What is the timeline for this project? 

The survey will close on October 1, 2024. Results will be published on the OutSmart website by November 1, 2024.